Language disorders and their impact on the academic academic performance of children in the first grade of children in the first grade of basic education



trastornos del lenguaje, acción psicopedagógica


The present research arises from the need for speech acquisition. Speech acquisition is a vital phase in the child’s development. This process, however, does not end in childhood, although it is at this age that it makes its greatest advances.Children speak in a clear and intelligible manner. It is not a simple skill, but it is fundamental to successful communication. If this skill is partially or totally impaired, the individual realizes that his or her chances of success are reduced in a society that demands expertise in oral communication. As is generally known, language disorders can be varied and have varying degrees of complexity. Among the primary oral language disorders, one can find articulation disorder, known as functional dyslalia, phonological disorder, represented by speech delay, language delay and specific language disorder, dysphasia. Indeed, any persistent difficulty presented by a student in their linguistic expression and comprehension is likely to generate detrimental consequences for their personal, school and social development. This is the reason why, from the initial level, the manifestation of difficulties requires vigilance and adjustment of the psycho-pedagogical action.



How to Cite

Lalón Yarza, C. V. (2023). Language disorders and their impact on the academic academic performance of children in the first grade of children in the first grade of basic education. Pedagogical Sciences, 16(1), 215–225. Retrieved from



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