Learning to learn in a higher education didactics course



Didactics, learning to learn, mechanism, complexity


This article presents the experience developed in a Higher Education Didactics course, where the topic of learning to learn was addressed as the first topic. The course participants were doctorate students from the University of Medical Sciences of Havana. A high level of interest and motivation was observed on the students, which was reflected in their active participation in the research of each topic and in the generation of important reflections on the necessary changes in traditional didactics. Currently, we are experiencing a period of scientific paradigm change, which provides a favorable opportunity to carry out actions that allow transforming the forms and content of the scientific perspective towards educational processes, especially in the field of didactics.



How to Cite

Fundora Literas, J. (2023). Learning to learn in a higher education didactics course. Pedagogical Sciences, 16(3), 90–100. Retrieved from https://www.cienciaspedagogicas.rimed.cu/index.php/ICCP/article/view/457



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