Didactics and its requirements from the cultural-historical approach


  • Gloria Fariñas León Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.
  • Edith Miriam Santos Palma Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, La Habana, Cuba. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2595-9205


perfeccionamiento continúo de la educación, didáctica, enfoque histórico cultural


In this article we analyze the methodological theoretical essence of the cultural-historical approach to human development (Vygotsky and his closest followers), a paradigm that, in our opinion, better understands and explains the integral formation of the personality and its expression in citizen consciousness. It is also valid to understand the conditions of the complex sociocultural development of the country and act on them, likewise, those of the world where culture is the focus of the fundamental manipulation of the media, obedient to neoliberal models of socioeconomic development. Essential knowledge to fulfill the didactic requirements of the continuous improvement of Cuban general education, for which we will argue methodological proposals derived from this article -to be published in this magazine in several parts- with the intention of illustrating, in a concrete way, essential alternatives for the pedagogical instrumentation of this approach. Our main purpose is to provoke a broad critical debate on the conceptual issues dealt with, at the same time, the search for more coherent alternatives of realization, which also stimulate the creative training of teachers in teaching.



How to Cite

Fariñas León, G., & Santos Palma, E. M. (2021). Didactics and its requirements from the cultural-historical approach. Pedagogical Sciences, 14(3), 138–150. Retrieved from https://www.cienciaspedagogicas.rimed.cu/index.php/ICCP/article/view/335



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