The simulation of the teaching and learning method in university university training



simulación, método, enseñanza


Undergraduate university training must promote the preparation of suitable professionals who respond to the needs of society and provide solutions to the problems that are evident in the various scenarios, in a precise, effective, correct and rapid manner; For this reason, it is important to make the experiences that allow the development of skills in situations that would otherwise be difficult to access, or very risky, more accessible, either for the student, for the people or the environment in which they must interact. . Inquiring about the effectiveness in learning skills that can hardly be learned only from reading theories or techniques, simulations emerge, which according to Germán A. (2009), allow students to learn by doing, with a marked emphasis on the components educational, that is, practicing and developing skills in a realistic environment, reducing the margin of error, and can facilitate the transfer of skills to real work environments. The idea is that simulation makes it possible to check the behavior of a person, an object or a system in certain contexts that, although they are not identical to the real ones, offer the closest possible similarity. Thus, it is possible to correct failures before the experience, in fact, takes shape on the plane of reality.



How to Cite

Serra Castro, A., Gárciga Domínguez, A., & Leyva Fuente, M. (2021). The simulation of the teaching and learning method in university university training. Pedagogical Sciences, 14(3), 76–85. Retrieved from



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