Activities to prepare families to participate in the teaching-learning process of ninth-grade General Basic Education students



proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje; familias; rendimientos académicos, reuniones; motivación, jóvenes


The family constitutes the fundamental pillar of society, that´s why, the need for children to develop in pleasant family contexts that promote optimal development; Therefore, the joint work of the school and the family is essential. With this background, a deficient involvement of the family in the educational environment is identified. This document presents a qualitative research; which objective is to develop a system of activities to prepare families to participate in the teaching-learning process of ninth-grade General Basic Education students. Among the causes identified for the poor participation of families in the teaching-learning process, we find limited participation in meetings called by teachers, lack of concern for checking the academic performance of their children, limited supervision, attention and motivation of parents to promote an adequate learning environment in homes, organizing spaces dedicated to school obligations, recreation and leisure for young people.



How to Cite

Ocaña Manzano , I. M. (2023). Activities to prepare families to participate in the teaching-learning process of ninth-grade General Basic Education students. Pedagogical Sciences, 16(1), 172–183. Retrieved from



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