The pedagogical work of Mercedes López López and her contribution to education



personalidad, obra, legado, trascendencia, cronología


In the present work, the objective is to inquire about the pedagogical work and her personality that enables a comprehensive assessment, revealing the multiple facets of her life and the personological traits of Mercedes López López to the development of Cuban Pedagogy in general and in particular to early childhood in the period from 1964 to 2000, whose work is fragmented and incomplete. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used, through which it was possible to reveal how the study of personalities seen from an educational perspective contributes to broaden the knowledge of life history by providing a chronology of their work, their development from birth to his death compiling information with his families and friends, as a teacher his Literary, Pedagogical, Regulatory and Legal Work, his Legacy, Transcendence, impacted and reveals the Transformations in this educational level in the stages that he performed, which is proposed as a theoretical result from the chair of study in the preschool education career, disseminate his contribution with the axes of systematization of his work, framed in his time and the level of updating



How to Cite

Alzola Tamayo, S., & Benavides Perera, Z. (2023). The pedagogical work of Mercedes López López and her contribution to education . Pedagogical Sciences, 16(1), 79–93. Retrieved from



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