A look at the computerization of processes in the Secondary School



Proceso de evaluación, registro de evaluaciones informático, procesadores de datos, análisis de datos


The accelerated development of informatics and its contribution to the activities of the human being, constitute an essential aspect for the achievement of the objectives of education. For this reason, it is considered a work priority in the sector. The potential of computer programs for data processing, and the need for the socialization of academic results, with families, students and the different management strata, led to the realization of this study. In addition, the recognition of the difficulty of calculating the grades of large student enrollments, in a complex evaluative system from the accounting point of view, led to the following objective: Implement a work style with the use of computer programs for the registration, computation and analysis of academic results in Chemistry 8th grade. The study was carried out with 131 8th grade students from José de la Luz and Caballeros Junior High School from Cruces, in Cienfuegos. It also included their families and the teaching staff at this educational level. The results obtained showed that the use of data processors in the evaluation process allowed the obtaining of important elements that served to fulfill the educational purposes of this process. The informative immediacy that the method provided, allowed families to always know in a timely manner the results of their adolescents, which emphasized the Science-Technology-Society approach of the study carried out, being considered of great importance for the results obtained. The computer media must, progressively, become essential working methods for the teaching staff in the development of the processes carried out in the school.



How to Cite

Torres Almeida, L. Y. (2022). A look at the computerization of processes in the Secondary School. Pedagogical Sciences, 15(2), 168–182. Retrieved from https://www.cienciaspedagogicas.rimed.cu/index.php/ICCP/article/view/377



Purpose 3 Perfecting